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Анекдот №40572

to Humble American Sitizen.
You made a full out of yourself by submitting yesterday’s shit. Lucky
for you, majority of those who read it will not see it due to the fact
that they’re not on this side of the ocean, therefore gullible about
American lifestile. Now, the story itself maybe boring, not insulting
to anyone, but your comments are. You’re calling him “недалеким
карьеристом” and a loser, and who the fuck is you? Disgruntled mainframe
programmer without a job, at best? Grudging against corporate America,
because you’re no longer part of it? You maybe are, or were part of it
once, judging by your “excellent” knowledge, of what goes on at the
Christmas parties. You must have gone there more than once, to have such
an inside. Although, according to you, corporate parties are off limits
to employees under 40, and only 50s music is played. ???? You dick. You
know why you, as you said, comment “в основном "словоохотливых"
соотечественников на чужбине”? In your own mind you’re above
"соотечественников на чужбине”. I read your previous comments. You are
a know-it-all America. You’re nothing but a common emigrant breed, that
tells people what they want to hear. Here on this site, it’s hip to
bash everything American, and that’s what you do. Your American
coworkers and superiors on the other hand, hear different stories from
you. I’ve heard your kind. Aй лаф зис кантри верррри мач, зи бэст ин зи

“Жополизание и восторг по поводу халявы в [крутом] ресторане "с видом
на водопад" не будет положительно принято большинством руссских
читателей.” Maybe so, but your brownnosing to Russian readers here,
will be met with standing ovation.

Humble American Citizen my ass, get the fuck out of here.
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