К истории от 24 января (не попавшей в списки)
Каков костюмчик, таков и актерчик из нему. Прилагается перевод
с английского на английский.
> Hi! Actually hi!>
I have something to tell you, my dear friend... If it is true that you
are in Samara and don't bother answering my letters - you stink!
Great and Evil Stinker, you are! Or, in other words -- I am just sorry,
best wishes, et...
> Some deals I have to you, dear my friend... If one thing is reality -
> you in Samara & don't want reply to my letters - you especially SUXX!
> Great & Evil SuXoID, no more words. In another way - I just sorry,
> best wishes, etc....>
Man, how are you? Some time I'll call you (no-no-no, don't think dirty,
I am a devoted lesbian). I think about meeting you, having many beers
and talking about life. Man-to-man talk, you see.
If you think I am drunk - you are wrong. I am sick, no more drinks, n
o more drugs ... coke and BBQ. Please write me a word or two, I'll be glad.
> Man! How you? Sometime, when I recall you (no-no-no, don't think about
> bad - I exclusive lesbian), thinking about meet you, drink a lot of
> beer and talk abot life. Actually talk, yep.>
> If you see that I drunk - you wrong. I ill and no more drinks, no more
> drugs... only coca-cola & brbique ;)>> Please, write me... I shall
be glad.>
> With best wishes - Alex Marshal aka AleXiS
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А вообще, зачем выFUCKиваться?