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29 января 2008

Всякая всячина

Тексты, не попавшие ни в основные, ни в читательские, ни в повторные. Собираются и хранятся исключительно в научных целях. В этот раздел вы заходите на свой страх и риск. мы вас предупредили!

Меняется каждый час по результатам голосования
What are the “benefits” of the NATO for Ukraine ?

What is on the surface ?

the uncontrolled by people (and even the government)
amounts of “weapons” - of nobody knows “what”

by the uncontrolled prices ! (for the Ukrainian side)

which would be put as the weight on the Ukrainian economics

and Ukrainian people (as the increased taxes) !

or as the "national" debt with the obligations to pay

signed by our "trustworthy" friends !

Also our trustworthy friends would sign
all desirable for them contracts for the future
(for their families future).

What is another “benefit” of the NATO ?

the loss of many high-tech and scientific jobs
and the loss of any prospective in these fields.

which would trigger the Degradation of Ukrainian Education and Science.

And if educated people wouldn’t find any appropriate employment

what would happen next ?

if the Ukraine would loose her specialists today
they wouldn’t grew up tomorrow out of nowhere

you throw the Ukraine back forever ! for ages !

what would you do next ?
to dump more nuclear waste or something of the sort ?

And if it’s not enough

there is another crucial “benefit” ! -

After “joining in”

the Ukraine becomes a hostage of our foreign “trustworthy friends” !

I translate it for the yuschenko (in the case he doesn‘t understand it) -

after entering the NATO the Ukraine becomes a hostage

of the “unpredictable” foreign thugs

who already showed their Love to Ukraine !

How ?

- with the hyperinflations, with nuclear waste

and just look honestly on yourself - wouldn't it be enough ?!

So, yuschenko and yatseniuk, you are really the curse of Ukraine !

but would you disappear with your lawlessness

and nuclear waste just by yourself ?

- not without some help.


It’s our responsibility to stop the shortsighted nuts
who don’t see anybody and anything

outside of their own pockets.

what to do with them ? - Think by yourself.

Friends, Love Ukraine !

and do what is necessary for her safety !


Friends, I live in Chicago and don’t have Russian keyboard
and this is not funny. I just don’t know where else can I post it.

What is the meaning of the letter of yuschenko

which he sent into the NATO

and which was signed by the arseniy yatseniuk
and Yulia Timoshenko ? -

Somebody needs to fight in Iraq

and in Afghanistan

So, the "Heavy Dudes", which try to pull the strings

figured out that if they can’t find soldiers at home
(to fight their wars)

why not to bribe some thugs abroad ?

the thugs, which would sent “their own" young people to fight those

And who knows how many body bags
would the corporate empire need tomorrow ?

And who knows what would be the “imperial" plans tomorrow ?!

Right ?

arseniy yatseniuk, yuschenko ( and the beautiful Yulia ?)

is it so ?

but friends,

it's the betrayal of Ukraine and her people !

Why the yuschenko wrote his letter into the NATO ?

yuschenko is a human, who has children.

and the Ukrainians must feed his children !

it’s mandatory !

and the Ukrainians must feed the yatseniuk also.

So, what was the puzzle here ?

- if the hyperinflations look like the crime today
why not to try something "new" ?

Right ?

- wrong.

“your” new idea is actually a plagiarism
of the ancient idea from the myth about Minotaur -

how the ancient Greeks sent their Young and beautiful teens
far away abroad for sacrifices.

It happened in the times of the lawlessness and brutal injustice -
in the ancient times...

It looks like it’s where the Ukrainians live now.

why it happens ?

It happens when those who shouldn’t be Nearby from the government
are there and use their "skills" and "creativity" only in the genocidal

also it happens when people don’t fight for themselves !

Or if they fight, they do it without "desire" to win.

But Friends,

the people, the future of Ukraine and the Justice
are on Our side.

Those, who put the INDEPENDENCE of Ukraine on the line
are not just the lawbreakers - they are the state criminals

and should be treated accordingly.


Прописали мне тут лекарство. Почитал инструкцию. Призадумался.


Побочное действие.
Со стороны пищеварительной системы: тошнота, рвота, диарея,
псевдомембранозный колит, метеоризм, снижение аппетита, холестатическая
желтуха (особенно у пациентов с перенесенными заболеваниями печени),
гепатит, гепатонекроз.
Со стороны ЦНС: головная боль, головокружение, повышенная утомляемость,
тремор, спутанность сознания, депрессии, расстройства сна, кошмарные
сновидения, галлюцинации, обмороки, редко мигрень, тромбоз церебральных
Со стороны органов чувств: нарушение вкуса и обоняния, нарушение зрения
(диплопия, изменение цветовосприятия), шум в ушах, снижение слуха.
Со стороны мочевыделительной системы: кристаллурия, интерстициальный
нефрит, гломерулонефрит, дизурия, полиурия, альбуминурия, гематурия.
Со стороны системы кроветворения: эузинофилия, лейкопения, нейтропения,
уменьшение количества тромбоцитов.
Со стороны сердечно-сосудистой системы: тахикардия, нарушения сердечного
ритма, артериальная гипотензия.
Аллергические реакции: кожный зуд, крапивница, отек Квинке, синдром
Стивенса-Джонсона, артралгии, редко повышенная светочувствительность.
Побочные реакции, связанные с химиотерапевтическим действием: кандидоз.

Со стороны лабораторных показателей: повышение активности печеночных
трансаминаз, щелочной фосфатазы, лактатдегидрогеназы, билирубина,
повышение концентрации мочевины, креатинина.
Прочие: редко – артрит, тендовагинит, разрыв сухожилий, общая слабость.

Насчитал 56 болезней.
Ну и как?
Friends, I live in Chicago and don’t have Russian keyboard
and this is not funny. I just don’t know where else I can post it

Ukraine is in danger and this is important !

Friends, the NATO is only about two things -

it needs your money !

and it needs your children for sacrifice !

the NATO (the Halliburton or anybody else) would dump

their weapons in Ukraine

and the Ukrainians would pay for it !

Do you think they deserve it ?

and what was the role of the corporate media here ?

Do you see now who paid for all those ultra-nationalistic
(and pro-NATO) campaigns ?

Do you see now who paid for all those ultra-nationalistic
(and pro-NATO) campaigns ?

Why these "selling experts" did it ?


when people are free, sober and in their own mind

nobody would be able to put on them such expenses !

such weight ! as the membership in the NATO !

Simply remember that

the Ukraine by its Constitution is the NEUTRAL State

(just like the Switzerland and Sweden) !

and those who try to brake her status are the Law violators -
the criminals !

which should appear before the court with the appropriate charges.


Дима, что мое послание попало в неформат:
http://v2o.anekdot.ru/an/an0801/O080128;10.html - это я понимаю.

Но что Вы без согласования со мной конкретное имя хамской компании
(***) убрали - это я против.

Правил я не нарушил.

Для чего я адрес для связи с редакцией оставлял? КАк раз на такой
случай, я даже подумал об этом именно, когда отсылал. Но я Ваших правил
в точности не знаю, вот и подумал - разберемся.

Фигу мне. Вот не ожидал Вас.

ДОБАВЛЕНИЕ: ссылка "расскажи историю" из старой вервии сайта не
Устрою терракт в любом городе
тел.8-10-93-66699. Бен Л.

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- Берёшь две трети воды, одну треть сливок, одну треть бульона...
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